General Chair
- Russ Meier, IEEE Education Society, Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE), USA
LWMOOCS Steering Committee
- Manuel Castro, UNED, Spain, chair
- Anant Agarwal, edX, USA, past-chair
- Carlos Delgado-Kloos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Armando Fox, UC Berkeley, USA
- Rocael Hernandez, Galileo University, Guatemala
- Russ Meier, MSoE, USA
- Barbara Oakley, Oakland University, USA
- Justin Reich, MIT, USA
- Jose A. Ruiperez-Valiente, MIT, USA
- Henrique Santos, University of Minho, Portugal, VP of Conferences of IEEE Education Society
- George Siemens, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
- Jim Sluss, University of Oklahoma - Tulsa, USA
Program Committee
- Carlos Alario-Hoyos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Giora Alexandron, MIT, USA
- Megan Carr, UPenn, USA
- Linda Castañeda, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
- Manuel Castro, UNED, Spain
- Jeffrey Cross , Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Carlos Delgado Kloos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Armando Fox, UC Berkeley, USA
- Dragan Gasevic, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Srećko Joksimović, University of South Australia, Australia
- Marco Kalz, OUNL, The Netherlands
- Irwin King, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
- Vitomir Kovanovic, The University of Edinburgh, UK
- Martin Llamas, University of Vigo, Spain
- Phillip Long, Arizona State University, USA
- Sergio Martin, UNED, Spain
- Russ Meier, Milwaukee School of Engineering, USA
- Pedro J. Muñoz Merino, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Abelardo Pardo, The University of Sydney, Australia
- Jorge Victor Paulos, Universidad ORT, Uruguay
- Saif Rayyan, MIT, USA
- Justin Reich, MIT, USA
- Mariam Aman Shah, Lancaster University, Hong Kong
- Jim Sluss, University of Oklahoma - Tulsa, USA
- Thomas Staubitz, Hasso-Plattner Institut, Germany
- Edmundo Tovar, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Marco Zappatore, University of Salento, Italy